Infos zum Mr. Olympia LIVESTREAM 2021


Mit der offiziellen Pressekonferenz am kommenden Donnerstag (07. Oktober) beginnt das lang erwartete Olympia Fitness & Performance Wochenende 2021. Die Wettkämpfe in Orlando werden online per PAY PER VIEW übertragen. Der Stream kostet umgerechnet knapp 52 €. HIER kannst du den Stream online buchen.

Mr. Olympia LIVESTREAM 2021: Übertragung, Zeiten, Preise und Klassen

Die Pressekonferenz und das „Meet the Olympians“ könnt ihr euch KOSTENLOS über den Fan Channel ansehen. Das komplette Programm findet ihr weiter unten im Artikel. Deutschland und Österreich wird in Orlando durch Bahar Ayra, Kristina Brunauer, Steve Benthin, Mike Sommerfeld, Fabian Mayr und Urs Kalecinski vertreten. Lisa Meiswinkel wird leider nicht in Orlando antreten.

Included in this package:
– Official Olympia PPV and LIVE streaming coverage all Olympia Pre-Judging & Evening Shows from the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.*
– Unlimited replays (video on demand) after the event has ended.

Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021
• Olympia Press Conference

Thursday Evening, Oct. 7, 2021
• Meet the Olympians

Friday, Oct. 8, 2021
• Fitness Olympia Pre-Judging
• 212 Olympia Pre-Judging
• Figure Olympia Pre-Judging
• Women’s Physique Olympia Pre-Judging
• Ms. Olympia Pre-Judging
• Wellness Olympia Pre-Judging

Friday Evening, Oct. 8, 2021
• Olympia 212 Finals
• Fitness Olympia Finals
• Figure Olympia Finals
• Women’s Physique Olympia Finals
• Ms. Olympia Finals
• Mr. Olympia Pre-Judging

Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021
• Classic Physique Olympia Pre-judging
• Men’s Physique Olympia Pre-judging
• Bikini Olympia Pre-judging
• Wellness Olympia Finals
• Wheelchair Olympia Finals

Saturday Evening, Oct. 9, 2021
• Mr. Olympia Finals
• Men’s Physique Olympia Finals
• Bikini Olympia Finals
• Classic Physique Olympia Finals

Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021
• Olympia Superstar Seminar

The Olympia Press Conference, Meet the Olympians, and the Olympia World Fitness Festival (formally known as the Olympia Expo and the Olympia Fan Pavilion) coverage will be available here, and for free on the Fan Channel, at their listed on-air times.

* NOTE coverage of the Amateur Olympia is not included in the Olympia Premium Package. Purchase the Amateur Olympia Package here.



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