Pro League sagt ALLE Wettkämpfe in den USA ab

NPC und IFBB Pro League Präsident Jim Manion hat mitgeteilt das ab SOFORT alle in den USA geplanten Pro League-Wettkämpfe bis zum 10.05.2020 abgesagt sind. Wie es danach weiter geht ist aktuell nicht absehbar. Teilweise sollen einige Wettkämpfe in der zweiten Jahreshälfte nachgeholt werden oder komplett ausfallen und erst im Jahr 2021 wieder stattfinden. Die Arnold Classic Australien und Afrika wurde von den zuständigen Promotern ebenfalls bereits abgesagt bzw. verschoben.

Nach aktuellem Stand würde die New York Pro Show am 16.05.2020 wie geplant stattfinden. Offiziell abgesagt wurde diese noch nicht. Bei den aktuellen Entwicklungen ist es jedoch fraglich ob nach dem 10.05.2020 Wettkämpfe in den USA stattfinden.

Für die Profis aus Deutschland kommt erschwerend hinzu das aktuell bis Mitte April bundesweit fast sämtliche Fitnessstudios geschlossen wurden. Enrico Hoffmann hat gestern offiziell bekannt gegeben das er die Vorbereitung abbricht. Roman Fritz, Paul Poloczek, Steve Benthin & Co haben sich bisher noch nicht zur geplanten New York Pro Show geäußert.


NPC & IFBB Professional League President Jim Manion

Addresses Coronavirus Concerns For Contests In The United States

March 16, 2020

With the ever changing information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the United States Government decisions being made in the USA, we will be CANCELING ALL scheduled NPC and IFBB Professional League contests in the United States beginning today, Monday, March 16, 2020 through Sunday, May 10, 2020. Some of these events will be postponed until a later date while some will just resume in 2021. Please look to the individual promoter’s pages for updated information about specific shows.

We are very disappointed to have to cancel these events but as always, the health and safety of our athletes, officials and fans is our top priority. The NPC and IFBB Professional League are focused daily on updates from the World Health Organization as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning COVID-19.  As a reminder, the CDC has encouraged traditional precautionary prevention measures and guidelines.

We will continue to monitor the Coronavirus information on a daily basis.

AT THIS TIME we are preparing for ALL NPC and IFBB Professional League contests in the United States after May 10, 2020, to go on as originally scheduled. Nothing would make us happier than seeing all of you back on stage showing off all of your hard work. However we will continually monitor the daily information made available by the United States Government, State and Local Governments and the World Health Organization as well as the Centers for Disease Control for each promoter’s city and state if there are to be changes or further postponements.

Please follow our official websites for continued, updated information:

All of our related social media outlets will also provide updates as frequently as possible.
We know that Coronavirus (COVID-19) information is changing on a day-to-day basis and we all have concerns.  We will continue to consider those concerns as we move forward in even further unchartered territory. Thank you all for your patience.

Yours in Health

Jim Manion

NPC & IFBB Professional League President


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